Getting Started

We'll begin our editorial engagement with a conversation during which we discuss your challenges and what you're hoping to achieve. Depending on the project, we may ask you for a sample of your work. (Our services aren't right for everyone, so we don't want to waste your time or money. We won't take your project if we don't believe you have a viable path to achieving your goals). After our conversation, we'll submit a work plan and estimate for your approval.

What We offer

Form conceiving of an idea, to finding the right agent or publisher, to proofreading pages before they go to the printer, we have years of experience in every step of publication:

  • Editorial critique
  • Substantive editorial letter or line edit
  • Workshoping and developing pitch materials
  • Game planning submission strategy
  • Copyediting and proofreading


Pricing for editorial consultancy is set at three different levels:

  • Technical editing: $45/hour
  • Creative editing and consulting $80/hour
  • Advocacy: $120/hour